Character(crush): Gumi
Character name: Kilme
age:say it 16
personality:good nice shy
history:he a tomboy who like game and do everything and he has no girlfriends to be with him,untill he see gumi and try to be with her.
happy/sad ending:go with happy and try make it good

"Ne ne Kilme, you wanna go outside today?" Miku asked him. Though the red-headed boy just shrugged.
"Not right now, I'm trying to beat the high score on this racing game." As Kilme was focusing on the game, he failed to notice lighter footsteps coming his way. The owner of those feet sighed.
"Come on Miku, I guess he won't come. Kilme, are you sure?" That sweet angelic voice seemed to carry him into a trance, though. Though he desperately wanted to accept the invitation right away, Kilme didn't want to seem so....out there.
"I...I-I'm sorry. I need to beat this level." He mentally cursed himself for cursing in front of this girl.
"Oh, it's okay Kilme, maybe next time? See ya!" And the two girls left, leaving Kilme to curl up in his sorrow.
"Ah man! Why did I do that?! Such a pretty girl and I blew it! She probably doesn't even like me anyway." Kilme sighed, and continued playing....well that was until two pair of hands took the controller away.
"Hey dudes, what's your problem! You made me lose!" As Kilme glared at the two, Len and Kaito were smiling at him.
"So, you like someone?" Len asked, and Kilme immediately froze.
'Shit! They weren't supposed to here that!'
"And it's Gumi? I'm impressed." said Kaito. Kilme huffed and crossed his arms, a blush arising to his face.
" what?" At this the blonde and blue-haired boy grinned.
"Well-" Len started.
"We can help you get her!" Kaito finished.
"Help me get"
'It's not like I'm gonna do it. I'll just see what they'll say and deny it.'
"We're not gonna tell you. Just trust us, it won't fail." Len said as Kaito and he wrapped an arm around Kilme.
"Just trust us, come on. It may be the only way to get Gumi!"
After glared at the two, but then....thought about it. Really, what does he have to lose? If it fails, he could say it was all a joke and Len and Kaito put him up to this. Gumi will only be mad at them, and the friendship could stay. And if it works.....well....
"Fine. What is this whole plan?" Len and Kaito cheered while grabbing Kilme and making their way to the kitchen.
"We were thinking..."
"Wow Miku, I didn't think it would take so long just to find a simple dress." Gumi laughed as the two came in the house.
"Haha yeah! But the dress looks soo perfect on you! Are you trying to impress someone?" Gumi instantly blushed at her comment, but remained calm.
"Can't I buy a dress just for me, Miku-chan?"
Miku just giggled.
"Ah! Welcome you two!! We have a surprise for Gumi!" Len quickly pushed Gumi to the back door, leaving a very confused Miku behind.
"Huh? Why does he need Gumi?" Though she just walked up to her room, not wanting to get into a mess with Len.
Outside, Gumi gasped. The backyard looked liked a fairy tale! There were sparkling lights out, candles coming from each side, and one solo table in the middle.
"L-Len, is this your-"
"No! No, this is for a friend!" Len quickly waved his arms around, the last thing he needs is to have Gumi confused.
'Oh man....I would have been dead if she thought I did this for her!' Quickly, Len pushed Gumi to her seat, making her stay still.
"Len! Why do I have to stay here??"
"Because! You date is coming." He straight off smiled, seeing the shock in Gumi's face. "He's coming......right now!"
"Ah! Let go of me! Come on, I'm already dressed, what more" Before Kilme could say anymore, he marveled at the sight of his girl.
'My girl....maybe one day...maybe today she will be mine. She looks....beautiful.' He gulped, rushing to his seat next to her. He quivered, to shy, for once, to meet Gumi's eyes.
"Kilme, you did this? For me?"
"I-I....Um.....Yes?" He stated, though it sounded just like a question. He turned even redder once he heard Gumi laugh.
'Is she...laughing at me?!'
"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me!" In the next second, Kilme was hugged. Looking down, he saw the red-tinted face of Gumi. Not knowing what do you, he just let her hug him, relishing the feeling she gave off.
"Dinner is ready!!" Len and Kaito bursted outside, making Gumi pull back right away from the boy.
'Damn it!' he thought. Though the food brought was looked nice, even if it was just pizza with some salad on the side.
Dinner passed, and surprisingly the two were actually in an enjoyable conversations. They went from how Gumi's day was to video games.
"I've played one of your games actually." Gumi shyly said, looking to the side.
"You did, which one?"
"The racing one you were playing today....Grand Turismo 5. I was the one who had the high score."
"You did! You were the one that I was trying to beat??" Not once has Kilme ever seen a girl play a game like that and actually get a high score...this made him fall even more for her.
'Now....I have to do it now!' Without thinking, Kilme grabbed onto Gumi's shoulders, implanting a quick kiss on her lips. Both were beet red.
"I-I just wanted to let you k-know that you're like the cooles-st girl I've ever met.....Will you.....Will you be my.....girlfriend?" Kilme looked away, already expecting a rejection from her.
'It's okay, it's okay, it's oka-'
"Yes! I would really like that! In truth...I've liked you for some time." Gumi shyly put a hand ontop of Kilme's, looking into his eyes. Both started to lean in, and soon, they were only a centimeter apart, and then-
"TIME FOR DESERT!!" Kaito and Len sprang out from inside, not expecting two heat-filled glares coming from Kilme and Gumi.
"Ai.....did we do something wrong?"
"Get. Out." Kilme said, and the two quickly left, scared of what he would do. Kilme's gaze softened as he went back to Gumi.
"Now......where were we?"