Anime Show: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Anime Character(crush): Reborn
Your Character Name: Akumu No Saitei(meaning: worst nightmare)
Age: 15
Looks: Long Midnight black hair, blue eyes, light complexion

Personality: Strong-willed, very trustworthy, laidback
History(optional): Akumu's parents died shortly after her birth. The young girl was one when her parents died, so she crawled out of the house. But, it was snowing, and soon the little girl was so cold, she couldn't move. Yet, the man walked up to her, grabbed her, and took her home. Little Akumu started wide-eyed at this loving family: the dad holding her, then a mom who was holding a little boy. The mother gratefully took the young girl in, and asked her for her name. The little girl just shook her head and turned around. Well, it seems the parents knew they were to die, so they taped a note to the little girl's back, having her basic info. And so, the little girl lived with this family, and she seemed very happy. This family is also the home of the future 10th Vongola- Tsunayoshi Sawada.
(Note: Otouto means little brother)
"Reborn...why are you staring at Akumu like that?" Tsuna asked. Reborn merely kicked Tsuna on the head.
"Stupid Tsuna, go run 5 miles in less than an hour. It's part of your training."
"NANDO?!?!" Another kick to the head sent Tsuna running and forget about his question. Meanwhile, Akumu came back from her jog just as soon as Tsuna started running. She chuckled and went in to find the home tutor.
"Reborn! Where are you Reborn!"
"What Akumu?" Akumu gasped as Reborn was merely an inch away from her. A blush started to form as she scooted back.
"Um...I was just coming to ask if you put Tsuna to training right now?"
"I did....No-Good Tsuna." Akumu giggled as she patted the arcobaleno's hat.
"Okay! I'm really glad that you're helping Tsuna with this. Well, I'll be in my room. See you Reborn!"
"Reborn, why are you staring at Akumu cooking?" Tsuna whispered to his home tutor. Reborn glared at the poor boy and smacked him on the head.
"Stupid Tsuna. Go find Lambo and bring him back here!"
Tsuna, not wanting to feel Reborn's rage quickly left, shutting the door loudly. Akumu glanced up, and saw Reborn.
"Ah Reborn! Would you like to help me make dinner?" He said nothing as he walked up to the kitchen counter. Akumu took this as a sign that he would help. "Okay! Would you pass the salt then?" After an hour or so, a delicious meal was set out on the table.
"Lambo-san will eat all this good food!! HAHAHA!"
Tsuna tasted his food, "Akumu-chan this is good!"
"Thank you Tsuna-kun, but Reborn helped too." Tsuna immediately spit out his food as he looked at Reborn. Instantly Reborn kicked him.
"No-Good Tsuna. You don't waste food."
"Reborn....stop staring at Akumu-chan." It was the fifth time in two weeks that Tsuna caught Reborn staring at his sister. Slightly annoyed at this, he was about to tell Akumu.
"Stupid Tsuna!" Reborn threw a pink grenade at Tsuna, who screamed as he ran out of the house. Akumu, hearing her brother scream, checked on it, but was stopped by Reborn.
"Hm? Reborn, do you know what happened to my brother?"
"Stupid Tsuna." Akumu giggled at the home tutor's words.
"Are you training him again?"
"You could say that."
Akumu smiled, "Well then, come on. There's lunch on the table. Would you like to eat with me?" the arcobaleno smirked and nodded.
"Reborn, why do you keep looking at me?" Akumu stared questionably at Reborn.
He glared at the cowering Tsuna, "No-Good Tsuna." He was about to smack him, when Akumu came infront of her brother.
"Don't hit him! Answer my question!" She glared at Reborn. He sighed as he stayed quiet. Akumu was impatiently tapping her foot.
"Fine," she spat, "If you won't tell me, I'll be in my room." She stomped up to her room and shut the door rather loudly.
Reborn glared at Tsuna, who quickly ran out of the house.
"Stupid Tsuna." Reborn whispered.
Akumu sighed as she sat on her bed, her pillowing close to her.
"Stupid Reborn, why don't you just tell me."
"Tell you what?" She gasped as Reborn was right infront of her.
"Reborn! Stop doing that...and I'm still mad at you." She turned her head away from the hitman.
"Akumu." She closed her eyes, not wanting to look at him. But she widened her as as she felt something on her lips and it was gone.
"R-Reborn?? W-What just do?"
At her stuttering, Reborn smirked. "Do you forgive me, Akumu?" Blushing Akumu nodded.
"Of Course! I....I happen to have feeling for you too."
Reborn went under Akumu's bed covers and popped out with his pajamas. "Good." And then he slept, an air bubble forming from his nose.
Akumu chuckled as she layed next to Reborn, pulling up the covers.
"No-Good Tsuna." she whispered before she slept next to her hitman.