Anime show: Blue Exorcist
Anime Character: Yukio Okumura
Name: Zoey Fey
Age: 14
Nationality: Australian
Looks: Ginger hair with hazel eyes, isn't skinny but is still pretty small, 5'2 (tiny compared to Yukio -_-')
Personality: Keeps to herself unless she's around people she's knows. Can make a sexual innuendo out of anything.
Ending: Happy
"Okay class, we are going to do a project. For this I will need pairs of two." Zoey tosses her ginger hair to the side as she sighed.
'I hope he knows I have no partner. It's not like I talk to anyone here.'
"Zoey, please come over here for a moment." Sighing Zoey stood, though her heart sped up at the though of talking to her sensei. And who was that sensei....well Yukio Okumura to be exact. The youngest exorcist teacher, being only 15. He was only a few months older that her actually. Yukio and his brother, Rin, got along fine. Though Zoey was much more comfortable around Yukio.
"Yes, Yukio-senpai?"
"Since there are no more partners, I would like that you partner with me."
Zoey blushed at the thought of working with her sensei.
'I...get to be with Yukio? Maybe now I can tell him how I feel about him!' Zoey blushed at the thought of Yukio ad her together.
"Zoey, are you alright? Your face is starting to burn.".
She frantically waved her hands in front of her. "No no, I'm...I'm fine! Really, I am!"
"Hm, very well then. Class! This assignment focuses on getting information on a Demon. Now, I've already assigned which Demons you will be observing. Listen now, they may be low-leveled, but can still cause harm to victim. Come forward to see your Demon." So, as the paired students came to see which Demon they would be investigating, Zoey stood to the side, slightly unsure of what do to.
"Zoey." She looked up to face Yukio. Her face heated up a little at how close the two were.
"Y-Yes, Yukio-sensei?"
He smiled, "We have to get to work. Since I am a teacher, this doesn't mean that I'm going to do all the work."
Zoey stood there beet red. You see, she had this.....problem that could make anything someone says sound so......sexual. And what Yukio just so happened to say, made her mind go blank.
"Hm?! Um, yes....Let's go Yukio-sensei."
"Very well then."
"This demon. It only comes out at night and takes the form of a male. Do we destroy it after we've observed it all?"
"Yes. As a teacher, I can not allow any demons to roam around our world." Zoey nodded as they stood under a tree. It was already late at night, and the secluded area was where the demon would be at this time of night.
'This is the only chance I'll be able to do this.'
"Yes, Zoey?"
She fidgeted under Yukio's gaze. "I-Is there.....Is there someone....special to you?"
"Hm? Well yes, my big brother Rin."
"No!" Zoey's eyes widened. "I-I mean...someone other than Rin."
Now Yukio stood confused. "Why are you aski-"
"YUKIO I LIKE YOU!" Zoey cupped her hands to her mouth. She started silently at Yukio as he bowed his head.
"Zoey....I'm a teacher and you're-"
"I...I know...S-sorry. I-I wasn't thinking." Zoey started walking backwards. "I won't do it again. I understand....I...I....I'm sorry." And with that, she ran away.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!" Zoey sat on a swingset in a park that she ran to. No one was there, so she cried peacefully.
"If....If only I didn't say anything, "She sniffed, "this wouldn't have happened."
"There there, is something the matter? I wouldn't want a girl like yourself crying." Zoey looked up to see a boy clad in black staring at her.

"Ah...Who....Who ar-re you?"
The boy smirked, "Just call me Damien. Now, what's bothering you?" The boy-Damien- sat next to her on the opposite swing. Zoey tried to not look at him.
"'s nothing...."
"But pretty lady," Damien got off the swing and stood infront of Zoey, "you don't look like as if it's nothing." He put his finger under her chin to make her look at him. "Let me help you." He leaned closer to Zoey, their lips almost touching.
"Zoey! Stay away from that thing!" A shot was heard as Damien hissed. He pulled back from Zoey as he looked at Yukio.
"My my my, you succeeded in missing my mindnight snack. You filthy exorcist."
"Tch. Demon." Yukio shot another round of bullets as Damien could only dodge. Zoey just stared at the commotion, her body not being able to react.
No sooner, she was being held. "Now, if you don't want the pretty lady to get hurt, let me have your soul!" Damien tightened his hold on Zoey as she wimpered.
"Zoey. It'll be safe, don't worry." Damien started laughing.
"HA! You really think those pathetic guns are enough to kill me?! I'm not as low-leveled as you think."
"Yes, but you are dim-witted. The place your stepping at has bullets that shoot only to demons. It will go off-" a spring of bullet sprouted out of the ground, Damien sufficing into nothing soon after. Yukio walked up to Zoey and wrapped his arms around her.
"There, you're all better now."
"Thank you...Yukio." Zoey sniffed.
"Your welcome, and you didn't let me finish what I was going to say earlier. I'm a teacher and your a student in the exorcist world. We mustn't let our emotions whirl during that time. But in the regular studies, there is nothing stopping us."
Zoey looked at him confused. "What I'm trying to say it....I like you to."
"You do?!" Yukio nodded as he was suddenly attacked by Zoey. They landed on the ground and Zoey cheered.
"Yukio! You've made me so happy!! Thank you, thank you!!"
Yukio kissed her cheek, "You're welcome."
"Yes. As a teacher, I can not allow any demons to roam around our world." Zoey nodded as they stood under a tree. It was already late at night, and the secluded area was where the demon would be at this time of night.
'This is the only chance I'll be able to do this.'
"Yes, Zoey?"
She fidgeted under Yukio's gaze. "I-Is there.....Is there someone....special to you?"
"Hm? Well yes, my big brother Rin."
"No!" Zoey's eyes widened. "I-I mean...someone other than Rin."
Now Yukio stood confused. "Why are you aski-"
"YUKIO I LIKE YOU!" Zoey cupped her hands to her mouth. She started silently at Yukio as he bowed his head.
"Zoey....I'm a teacher and you're-"
"I...I know...S-sorry. I-I wasn't thinking." Zoey started walking backwards. "I won't do it again. I understand....I...I....I'm sorry." And with that, she ran away.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!" Zoey sat on a swingset in a park that she ran to. No one was there, so she cried peacefully.
"If....If only I didn't say anything, "She sniffed, "this wouldn't have happened."
"There there, is something the matter? I wouldn't want a girl like yourself crying." Zoey looked up to see a boy clad in black staring at her.
"Ah...Who....Who ar-re you?"
The boy smirked, "Just call me Damien. Now, what's bothering you?" The boy-Damien- sat next to her on the opposite swing. Zoey tried to not look at him.
"'s nothing...."
"But pretty lady," Damien got off the swing and stood infront of Zoey, "you don't look like as if it's nothing." He put his finger under her chin to make her look at him. "Let me help you." He leaned closer to Zoey, their lips almost touching.
"Zoey! Stay away from that thing!" A shot was heard as Damien hissed. He pulled back from Zoey as he looked at Yukio.
"My my my, you succeeded in missing my mindnight snack. You filthy exorcist."
"Tch. Demon." Yukio shot another round of bullets as Damien could only dodge. Zoey just stared at the commotion, her body not being able to react.
No sooner, she was being held. "Now, if you don't want the pretty lady to get hurt, let me have your soul!" Damien tightened his hold on Zoey as she wimpered.
"Zoey. It'll be safe, don't worry." Damien started laughing.
"HA! You really think those pathetic guns are enough to kill me?! I'm not as low-leveled as you think."
"Yes, but you are dim-witted. The place your stepping at has bullets that shoot only to demons. It will go off-" a spring of bullet sprouted out of the ground, Damien sufficing into nothing soon after. Yukio walked up to Zoey and wrapped his arms around her.
"There, you're all better now."
"Thank you...Yukio." Zoey sniffed.
"Your welcome, and you didn't let me finish what I was going to say earlier. I'm a teacher and your a student in the exorcist world. We mustn't let our emotions whirl during that time. But in the regular studies, there is nothing stopping us."
Zoey looked at him confused. "What I'm trying to say it....I like you to."
"You do?!" Yukio nodded as he was suddenly attacked by Zoey. They landed on the ground and Zoey cheered.
"Yukio! You've made me so happy!! Thank you, thank you!!"
Yukio kissed her cheek, "You're welcome."
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